Getting more friend requests? Do you feel that they are your friends or
your known ones? Many of you may feel that what is the reason to ask
these things when Facebook actually asks when you accept any friend
People who are behind making new friends daily and want to increase
their friends base, they don't feel it is important to even know whether
the request is real or fake.
But sometimes it is necessary to know who these people are who without
you knowing them are sending friend requests. Facebook informs the
mutual friends between you and the new friend one who is known to both
of you.
Taking this situation into consideration, finding a solution for finding
out who actually are the people who send you friend requests must be
known to you. So, Facebook has an app for that too.
FakeOFF app - an app to protect your account from scammers or fakers. This finds out the bogus and fake accounts.

How to use Fake Off App and find out fake friends in account:
- Log in to your Facebook account
- Go to the link : Fake Off App
- On the screen click, Connect With Facebook
- All your friends will be displayed on the screen
- If you know them not to test them but if you find out one who is fake then click Lets check him / her
- Then click Basic Investigation
- The app will ask your permission. Click OK.
- The app will display some questions for you to answer. Like do you know him / her outside Facebook or is he / her a celebrity, etc. Answer those by clicking on the check boxes below them.
- Click Submit And Get Basic Results
- The analysis process takes some time to display the results. It will display in the score from 1 to 10.
Depending upon the score of the analysis, you will have to decide whether you can continue to be friends or not.
On this same lines, there is another app called FB Checker app that also informs you who is fake and who is real.
Better late than never. Better keep protected by people who just enter
in your friends list and then grab all your details. To avoid being a
victim and getting accused, better have a proper way to judge who your
real friends are and who are not.